The successful entrepreneur must overcome his fears.
It is often wrongly thought that the essential quality of self-employment is courage. Courage, of course, but it’s not just a matter of courage. Do you think that a successful entrepreneur never knows fear? They most certainly do. As human beings, we are naturally conditioned by fear.
We have natural survival reflexes that will activate each time we are under stress or fear. According to the people, this instinct of survival will push us to different types of reactions. These reactions can be flight, action, as well as immobility. It must also be taken into account that the human being by nature does not like change. He likes what reassures him, what he knows, what he masters.
This is how fear paralyzes us and my example can be applied to any area of your life. As an entrepreneur, you will inevitably have to do things you were not used to and never did before, like doing a website.
Case Study of a successful entrepreneur
There is a towing company in San Francisco. The companies name is Auto Towing. The gentleman that started that company was only eighteen years old. After four years of owning the business, he had amassed roughly twenty tow trucks of all sizes, as well as an equal amount of employees. Not only would this be considered successful by any standard of measure, but amazing due to the owners age.
The first quality that an entrepreneur must have and that you must mentally prepare for is to overcome your fears and blockages. Fear can be conquered, it is not inevitable.
All you need to do is approach the novelty or the task to be accomplished without prejudices and with a positive state of mind “I will get there”. The newer things you do, the more accustomed your brain will become, and the more novelty you will find easy.
The entrepreneur is not discouraged
Let’s be clear from the start, starting a business is mostly difficult. It’s a fight every day with pitfalls, problems that you have not thought of, things that do not work as you would like. Is this a reason to focus your brain on the word “difficult” and give up the first difficulty that will arise? Certainly not!
The first thing to do is accept the fact that it will sometimes be difficult and that it is part of the game. We live in assisted societies which has the disadvantage of making us much less reckless than is our true nature.
You will analyze why you stumbled and what you can change in your approach strategy to avoid tripping over the same subject a second time. Entrepreneurship is a long-term learning with feedback throughout the course.
This positive and negative feedback are essential to your evolution and your success. They will allow you to be more flexible. Flexibility is an essential quality to have when you are an entrepreneur.
One thing that a successful entrepreneur needs to set in place when starting a business is the infrastructure.